My 1st Time at New Yankee Stadium

Friday night baseball at new Yankee Stadium… 1st dinner at the new Hard Rock Cafe inside Yankee Stadium. I sure was very happy to have an All Access card, ’cause the line was way long.

And then on to the game: the 1st game of a 3 game home stand against the Phillies. The very first pitch of the game and the Phillies bat it out of the park. Big disappointment to all Yankees fans. The Phillies continue to win the game 7 – 3. Lot’s of homeruns and very exciting game, even though my team lost.


Funny thing is: the city of New York had 2 Yankee Stadiums and 2 Giants Stadiums right now. The Yankees have just moved in to their new home and they’re ready to demolish their old place. The NY Giants will move to their new stadium later this year. But not before Springsteen play another couple of shows at the old Giants Stadium at the end of the fall.

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