Prague City Trip

Prague Castle before Sunset

Back in May of this year, I traveled to Prague in the Czech Republic. Me and one of my best friends drove out for a 4 day city trip and and to go see Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band in concert one evening. There is so much to see in Prague. We logged quite a few miles hiking around town and taking in the sights. Every corner we turned, there was more beautiful architecture to admire. I took most of the pics my iPhone and my small Canon G7x.

Prague City View
Prague City View
Prague City View
Prague City View
Prague City View
Obecní Dům (Municipal House)
Obecní Dům (Municipal House)
Prague City View
The Kubista Gallery
Dancing House by architect Frank Gehry
The Kubista Gallery

We definitely have a good time though. And we did not forget to take the occasional selfie.

Selfie at the Municipal House

One can not go to Prague and not visit the memorial to Jan Palach and Jan Zajíc in front of the National Museum. Both Palach and Zajíc set themselves on fire in the protest against the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact troups in 1968.

One of the few places I took out my dSLR was to shoot the baroque library of the Klementinum. It is deemed to be one of the most beautiful libraries in the world. And they’re not wrong! It is surely up there with the Nottebohmzaal at the Hendrik Conscience Library in Antwerp or the library of Trinity College in Dublin. What do you think?

Klementium Baroque Library

The city is full of great food spots. Prague’s restaurants serve a wide variety of dishes and cuisines. From the local specialties, to a cool hotdog joint for lunch, to a haute-cuisine Asian restaurant. We’ve had great food at a reasonable price. And the beer is good too.

Mr. Hotdog was a cool lunch spot
Czech beer is great beer

Unfortunately, the main event–a concert by Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band–got cancelled due to Bruce having vocal problems. Sort of a bummer, but it gave us the whole of Tuesday to visit the Aviation Museum Kbely. More on that in a future blog post.

Even though the Springsteen concert got cancelled, the trip was marvelous. I discovered a city full of beautiful architecture. I’d be happy to return one day.

Prague Castle before Sunset
Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk of the Swedish Air Force
Prev 2024 Sanicole Airshow

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