Photographers’ Day Out

A bunch of photographers and models from and got together yesterday for a little party.

Ludwig and Joy invited us to their home for a photo shoot. I had helped them out on Thursday and Friday night to prepare them for this get-together. In return, they promised me, I could use their space to work on a little project I have in mind.

I won’t post photos from the project yet as I’m still working on it. However, I will share some photos from another shoot I did yesterday. Eef was kind enough to work with me on the “secret” project. And as we started talking, we came up with a few other things as well.


A big thanks to Eef of course for posing. I sure hope we can get together some time in the near future for another shoot.

In the evening Bart Boodts threw us a little ‘80s party with him and Gerd Van den Broeck treating us to some of the best ‘80s and ‘90s hits. It was a lot of fun. Met some great new people. Thanks all you guys!

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