Happy Birthday VICTORIE.com

I’m doing some design work for new website templates. I suddenly realized that this year is the 10th anniversary of our website.

When we first got an Internet connection, about 10 years ago, we were connecting to the internet with a 14K modem. I remember the hassle it was to set up a connection back then: lousy modem drivers, winsocks stuff, slow browsers and the phone always busy. And it took forever to load a page.

Almost as soon as we got the internet connection, I started experimenting with my own website. And pretty soon, I was hosting the website of the Belgian Bruce Springsteen fanclub. But that site is no more as the fanclub is no more.

At first, our site was a simple HTML based site, hosted with our internet provider. See snapshots of our site on the wayback server. Later, in 1999, we got our own domain name. All that time, the site has become more and more complex, as you can see from the wayback server.

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